Calling to Cross the Street

Close up of American flag during political rally

In October of 2018, I attended a political rally related to the appointment of Brett Cavanaugh to the Supreme Court. I have attended a lot of rallies in recent years for many causes. This one was different, for me.

About 25 of us stood on one corner holding various signs related to solidarity with women speaking out about sexual assault. Most of the 25 were women but 2 men also. Across the street, there were three men holding American flags and wearing hats that said, “Make America Great Again.”

The rally was held on a very busy corner just outside of Kennett Square, PA. Many cars went by. Most honked, did a thumbs up, or in some way indicated their agreement with our cause. A few cars went by, the driver gave us the finger, and yelled, “F___ you, Make America Great Again.” None of that was terribly surprising. However, what was surprising was that many of the people I was standing with responded to the profanity with similar profanities, gestures, and even tried to out-do the drivers. I knew I was clearly NOT called to be a part of that behavior – independent of positions on the cause.

I stood there for a few more minutes and was extremely uncomfortable. I KNEW I did not belong there. A feeling of helplessness overcame me. If I don’t belong here with those whose positions I agree with, where do I belong? Without much thought, I found myself crossing the street with ease and saying to the three men, “I am here to listen respectfully and would like the same in return.” That action had the quality of being called to vocal ministry in meeting. Crossing that street and saying those words was not planned. Their response to me initially was to curse and say, “We are not talking to you. Go home. You don’t belong here. Talking to you would be like talking to a brick wall.” I repeated, “I am here to listen respectfully and would like the same in return.” Two of the men continued to be very rude but one man started talking to me. He told me what I would expect: “Trump is the greatest president we have ever had” and “Kavanaugh has done nothing wrong.” It seemed like Fox News was on one corner and CNN on the other; people were repeating what the talking heads on both sides had said. There was little thinking and no listening going on.

After listening to that man talk, I went home. All the way home what went through me was the words, “Called to cross the street.” That phrase has come back many times. I have been exploring what those words might mean. Will you join me in that exploration?

What might it mean to be called to cross the street?

Happy Thanksgiving


Hi Friends and friends!

I used to love to play softball when I was a kid. My last team that I played on  when I lived in Berea was called Friends and friends. So, when I write that, I think of softball in Berea.

Happy Thanksgiving! I went to a sweet meeting at Middletown Preparative Meeting this morning – 18 people and Roscoe were present. Sweet sharing and lots of snacks, even Candace Davis’ George Fox cookies. 

I want to share a story for Thanksgiving.

As I was peeling eggs last night for making deviled eggs, this thought came into my head: I wonder if I could come up with 2018 gratitudes. I focused on peeling eggs and thinking about all the many many times I have peeled eggs. My Mama always wanted deviled eggs for every occasion but she did not like to peel them and I don’t mind so I would do that. Every occasion included family birthdays, anniversaries, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and any other event that came along – deviled eggs. And she always wanted to make not just a few deviled eggs but 3 dozen at a time. That is a lot of deviled eggs! My friend, Audrey, watched me making them recently and said I made deviled eggs faster than anyone she has ever seen. I said, “Audrey, I have made a LOT of deviled eggs in my life.” So, I started my gratitudes with every time in my life I have peeled an egg. A good start. By the way, my Mama was adamant and did not call them deviled eggs. She and my grandma who also loved to make and eat deviled eggs always called them dressed eggs. They wanted NO DEVILS IN THEIR EGGS!

Next, I cooked some pumpkin. I love pumpkin and bought a bunch of “heirloom pumpkins” from Wolff’s that looked more like squash to me but nevertheless….I cooked a bunch of it. And I had an idea of what I was doing. I almost never cook by recipes, just never learned that way. Most of the time it works out; sometimes it doesn’t. I made a huge mess. Then I had to clean up my mess. Kinda an apt metaphor for life. So, the second step in my gratitudes was to be grateful for every single mess I have ever made and for cleaning up messes.

I went along this line of thinking for a while being grateful for all the times I took walks, went dancing, and more and more and more. But once at the stage of gratitude for messes, I clearly got beyond the intended 2018 quickly. I don’t even know what the number is that I finally got to… but a LOT of gratitudes.

AND I am so very grateful for faithful folks in my life and all the many things I do and enjoy!

Big love and blessings galore
